Theatre Museum


Accessible entrance and moving around the Museum

Accessible entrance to the Cable Factory Glass Courtyard is from the Kaapeliaukio side of the building. The automatically opening door is located on the extreme right. The button for the door can be found on the side wall. A ramp (gradient approx. 8%) leads from the Tehtaanmyymälä to the museum lobby. The automatic door at the top of the ramp is opened by a QR code from the ticket office.

The guard will be happy to assist when needed (tel. +358 (0)40 1922 300). Admission is free to personal assistants and carers of visitors with disabilities.

The Museum is located on the 2nd floor with lift and stair access from the ground level. The exhibition galleries are accessible for the most part. The exhibition guide will assist you through accessible passages and arrange the stage ramp at the Arkadia Theatre if and when needed.

Guide and assistance dogs

Guide and assistance dogs are welcome in the Museum.

Services for visitors with visual impairment

Visual description for workshops and a guide to assist you during your visit are available, please book in advance.

Hearing loop

There is no hearing loop fitted at the Museum.

Accessible parking for visitors with disabilities

Two accessible parking spaces are located in the court yard of the Cable Factory, near the staircase D. Parking here is limited to four hours. The width of the spaces is 295 cm and 305 cm.

Along Tammasaarenkatu there are two accessible parking spaces paraller to the street.

toilet Facilities

The toilets are located in the lobby and in the exhibition galleries on the 2nd floor. The toilet facilities in the lower lobby have a free space next to the seat on both sides, on the 2nd floor on the right side of the seat. NOTE: The width of the door to the toilet on 2nd floor is 81 cm.

Principles for a safer space

The museum does not tolerate discrimination or harassment. We are all responsible for the safety of the space and contribute to it through our actions. Let's create a supportive and safe atmosphere and let's all look after each other.

Website accessibility

We are committed to improving the accessibility of our digital services, constantly working to better serve our customers. The website was launched in autumn 2017, some of the content is even older. There may still be accessibility gaps, especially for previously published content, but we are constantly updating and improving the situation. Feel free to send us feedback if you find any gaps on our site!
