Theatre Museum


Adults 16 €
Discount group 1 (pensioners, students, theatre professionals) 8 €
Discount group 2 (children 5–17 years) 6 €
Children under 5 years 0 €
Museum Card, Helsinki Card, ICOM Card holders and with Ukranian passport 0 €

Combination ticket to Theatre Museum, Hotel and Restaurant Museum and Finnish Museum of Photography for adults 18 €

Museum Card 79 €, the renewal of an existing and valid card 73 €

We accept the following recreational vouchers and apps: Smartum and SmartumPay, Edenred Virike, Ticket Duo, and Ticket Virike. (Excluding combination ticket and Museum Card!)

Free admission:
Every last Wednesday of the month at 16–19


Workshops and guided tours for groups

For more information on prices and group sizes, please see individual workshop and exhibition introductions. Double prices on weekends.

Group visits can be organised also outside the regular opening hours.

Bookings and cancellations one week before the visit at the latest at varaukset @

