Theatre Museum


The Theatre Museum collections customer service is closed during the summer from 20.6.2024 to 8.9.2024.

The Theatre Museum Archive accepts donations from theatres, dance groups, organisations from the theatre and dance field, and from private individuals. Accepting donations follow the guidelines set in the Museum Recording Plan and Collections Policy. The Museum cannot accept all offered materials.

Artefact Collections

The Theatre Museum accepts artefact donations related to performing arts. The content of the donation is agreed with the donor. Accepting a donation depends on how well the objects meet the collection criteria: their significance to the history of performing arts and whether there are similar objects in the collection already. Only materials relevant to the work of Finnish theatres and professional groups are accepted in the collection. Suitable artefacts are included to the Museum collections, while the remaining objects will be returned to the donor or added to the educational collection of the Museum according to donor’s wishes.

Enquiries regarding donations to Artefact Collections:
Curator Sanna Brander
+358 (0)40 1922 307


The Theatre Museum’s Archive accepts materials related to performing arts, primarily focusing on the professional theatres and dance in Finland. Donations are always agreed in consultation with the Archivist. We share the recording responsibility with many other cultural heritage organisations, and if  needed we direct the donor to another museum or archive. Rights of use will be agreed as part of the appraisal process.  

Programme Leaflets and Posters

Programme leaflets and posters are accepted as donations from private individuals and theatres. Donated materials are included in the Museum’s Archives. Duplicates or otherwise inadequate materials will be disposed of. We primarily accept materials related to Finnish professional performances. Exceptions to this thumb rule can be considered in the appraisal process.


Photographs related to professional performances can be accepted separately from donations from personal or organisational archives. Such donations must be agreed on beforehand, and also possible preparations for the accession need to be discussed.

Private Archives

The Theatre Museum Archive will consider donations from theatre, dance, and opera professionals’ private collections. The Archivist will examine the materials and determine whether the Museum’s criteria are met. The donor may be directed to another cultural heritage organisation. Should the materials be accepted into the Theatre Museum Archive, the Archivist will guide on the preparations for the accession.

Organisational Archives

Organisational archives, related primarily to professional theatre and dance in Finland, can be offered to the Theatre Museum’s Archive. Currently, the Archive is the custodian of the old archives of many central organisations in the field, as well as the archives of certain theatres and dance companies. Especially old theatre and dance company archives are held in other cultural heritage organisations as well. The Archivist will help determine whether the materials in question should be placed in the Theatre Museum Archive or in another organisation. If the organisational archive will be received in the Museum Archive, the Archivist will examine the materials beforehand and guide on the preparations for the accession. The materials should be arranged and catalogued before being transferred to the Archive. It is essential to allow enough time for the donation process and contact us early on.

Enquiries regarding donations of archival materials:
Archivist Eeva Mustonen
+358 (0)40 1922 308
